
Kids Braces in Carefree, AZ

As parents, we always strive to provide the best for our children, and that includes their dental health. Misaligned teeth in kids can lead to various issues, including difficulty in chewing, speech problems, and even low self-esteem. Ignoring these issues can have long-term negative effects on your child's oral health and overall well-being. At Surprise Orthodontics in Carefree, Arizona, we specialize in kids braces, ensuring that your child receives the care they need for a healthy, beautiful smile.

Extensive Experience and Personalized Care

At Surprise Orthodontics, our orthodontists have extensive experience in providing braces for kids. With over 5,000 smiles crafted since 2001, we understand the unique needs of children and offer personalized care to ensure the best results. We take the time to tailor braces to fit your child’s lifestyle, making the process as comfortable and effective as possible.

Convenient Scheduling for Busy Families

We know that balancing school, extracurricular activities, and family time can be challenging. That's why we offer convenient scheduling options, including appointments before and after school. Plus, you can even walk out with braces on the same day as your consultation, making it easier to fit orthodontic care into your busy schedule.

Affordable and Flexible Payment Plans

At Surprise Orthodontics, we believe that every child deserves a healthy smile. That's why we offer flexible payment plans with 0% interest and low or no down payment options. We are in-network with several PPO insurance plans, ensuring that your child's braces are affordable and stress-free.

Comfort and Precision with Modern Technology

Say goodbye to uncomfortable, gag-inducing impressions. Our iTero machine provides digital impressions, ensuring a comfortable and precise start to your child’s braces treatment. This technology helps us create a perfect fit for their braces, enhancing the overall treatment experience.

Lifetime Guarantee for Peace of Mind

We stand by the quality of our braces with a 100% lifetime guarantee. If your child's teeth move after completing their treatment, they can restart without paying full treatment fees again, saving you thousands of dollars.

Early Orthodontic Care with Our Kids Club

We believe in the importance of early orthodontic care. If your child isn't ready for braces yet, they can join our Kids Club. With regular check-ups every 4-6 months, we ensure your child starts treatment at the optimal time for the best results.

Traditional Braces and Invisalign Options in North Phoenix

At Surprise Orthodontics, we offer both traditional braces and Invisalign treatments, tailored to suit the specific needs of your child. Our orthodontist, Dr. Kamal, is also a Diamond Top 1% Invisalign Provider, ensuring the best possible care for Invisalign treatment.

Retainers Included

We provide full transparency with our treatments. Unlike other orthodontic offices, we include a retainer with your child's braces treatment at no additional cost, ensuring their smile stays perfect long after the braces come off.

Trust Surprise Orthodontics for your child's braces in Carefree, Arizona. With our dedicated team, flexible payment plans, and extensive experience, we are committed to giving your child a smile that boosts their confidence. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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