Hey Runners! Pay Special Attention To Your Oral Health
ARE YOU A RUNNER? Or, do you know a runner? Here’s an important question to ask… “Does your training include specific consideration for your oral health?” Do those two things sound unrelated? There’re not. Read on!
With Each Extra Training Hour, Decay Risk Goes Up
The rest of your body may be in tip-top shape. But a recent study published in the Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports found two very specific oral health problem areas for athletes.
If you’re wearing braces, you’ll want to be doubly aware of these issues. As you know, you need to be extra cautious to avoid tooth-decay-causing behavior.
1. Dry Mouth Effects
Think about the way your mouth feels when you’re racing or on a training run. You’re likely breathing heavily through your mouth. Your mouth becomes dry as a desert. In addition, because there’s higher susceptibility to dehydration (at some level) you don’t recover from dry mouth as quickly as you would otherwise. Dry mouth creates a danger zone for your teeth.
2. Sport-Related Nutrition Effects
When you’re racing or on training runs, what are you putting into your body, and how are those things affecting your teeth? If you’re like most runners, you’re often consuming:
- acidic sports drinks, some of which have lots of sugar
- energy gels or gummies that stick to your dry teeth
- energy bars that are often loaded with sugar and starch
These kinds of substances inside a dry mouth, coupled with the likelihood that they will sit on your teeth for long periods of time, creates an unfriendly environment for your healthy smile.
This DOES NOT Mean You Should Stop Running!
Of course not! Just be aware! And, here are some helpful suggestions…
Be Cautious About What You’re Eating & Drinking
- Drink lots of water! Water, not energy drinks are best.
- If you DO consume energy drinks, rotate them with water. Rinse, rinse, rinse.
- Drink water BEFORE you get dehydrated, not after.
- Brush before and after workouts.
And, Avoid Embarrassment Too (haha)…
Don’t be that awkward runner…
What Are YOU Training For?
Are you an avid runner? Or maybe you’re just jogging a little bit. Talk to us if you’re starting any kind of new workout plan. As you know, we like to keep up with any health-related changes in your life. It helps us keep your mouth healthy. Let us know!
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